My Little Black Purse

By Bonnie Hinschberger – Co-Founder, Broad Escapes – Tours for Women

Regardless of where my adventure is taking me I never board a plane without my “Little Black Purse” and here’s why.  Inside my purse is everything I may need during my flight and it’s always packed and ready to go for my next adventure.  Take a look at what’s inside…

  • Inflatable neck pillow
  • Pair of socks to wear on the plane
  • Eye cover for sleeping
  • Earplugs (although I haven’t had to use these yet)
  • Wipes to sanitize the table top, TV screen etc.
  • 2 sets of earbuds with 2 prong connection device (just in case)
  • Earbud splitter (to share a movie or audio)
  • Reading glasses
  • Toothbrush/tiny toothpaste/mouthwash
  • Gum
  • Stomach & Pain over the counter medication
  • Flashlight

And, here’s the best part…

When I land at my destination and no longer require these items I store them in a zip-lock bag until my return flight so I can use my little black purse as a clutch for evening outings.

Happy Travels

-Bonnie, Co-Founder, Broad Escapes: Tours for Women